The Mindful Millionaire
In the world of personal finance the biggest challenge is the sense that there’s never going to be enough. It is this mindset of scarcity, and not the amount spent on lattes, that holds people back the most from achieving their financial dreams.
Using techniques she’s developed as a financial planner and spiritual coach, Leisa Peterson guides you to dig deeper and discover the root of your financial thinking to change not just the way you save and spend, but the way you live your life.
Through powerful practices, compelling stories and extensive research, The Mindful Millionaire meets you wherever you are in your money journey by exploring:
*Where your current money habits come from and why you feel the way you do about money and success.
*How to break the cycle of fear, grief, and shame that often surrounds your money habits.
*How to write a new money story that inspires joy, satisfaction and prosperity.
*Why wealth building isn’t just about positive thinking and “manifesting” things into reality.
*How to stop financial self-sabotage and procrastination.
*Where practical financial advice misses the mark.
*The most effective tools for changing how you think and feel about money.
*What true financial independence looks like and how to discover the millionaire within.
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