Tweens & Young Adult

Planet Omar: Accidental Trouble Magnet


Welcome to the imaginative brain of Omar!

Omar and his family have just moved, and he is NOT excited about starting at a new school. What if the work is too hard or the kids are mean or the teacher is a zombie alien?!

But when Omar makes a new best friend, things start looking up. That is, until a Big Mean Bully named Daniel makes every day a nightmare! Daniel even tells Omar that all Muslims are going to be kicked out of the country . . . Could that possibly be true?

Luckily, Omar’s enormous imagination and goofy family help him get through life’s ups and downs.

Planet Omar: Incredible Rescue Mission


Omar is going on his biggest adventure yet—a trip to Pakistan! But his excitement about the trip is interrupted by some shocking news: his amazing teacher is not coming back to school, and no one will say why.

When Omar and his friends start investigating, the hints they overhear and clues they find lead them to an alarming conclusion—it must be aliens!

Omar has a huge imagination, but saving his teacher from aliens seems far-fetched even to him. He’s going to need out-of-this-world creative thinking and a huge spirit of adventure to solve this mystery!

Power Of A Princess


Aislin is more than just a princess. Born to a fairy king and pedrasi queen, she’s strong, smart, and brave, with magical gifts she’s only beginning to discover. Aislin has spent her whole life keeping her family’s gifts hidden from the non-magic folk who surround her kingdom, and is shocked to find out the humans knew about these enchantments all along. But when the fairies decide to move back onto human territory, it soon becomes clear that some will not be happy about this change.

As she sets out to restore the balance, Aislin chooses a surprising group of young women to join her – girls she knows are brave and loyal, but who don’t have the qualities of typical guards or princess confidantes. Things only get more complicated when an old foe appears, surely up to no good. The princess knows she has the power and ingenuity to stand up for herself and her kingdom, especially with her friends by her side – will that be enough to set things right?

Promise Boys


The prestigious Urban Promise Prep school might look pristine on the outside, but deadly secrets lurk within. When the principal ends up murdered on school premises and the cops come sniffing around, a trio of students―J.B., Ramón, and Trey―emerge as the prime suspects. They had the means, they had the motive . . . and they may have had the murder weapon. But with all three maintaining their innocence, they must band together to track down the real killer before they are arrested. Or is the true culprit hiding among them?

Find out who killed Principal Moore in Nick Brooks’s murder mystery, Promise Boys―The Hate U Give meets One of Us Is Lying.

Rackets Amsterdam


It’s no longer business as usual. There is a new breed of actors wrecking havoc through the global financial system, and they are not your regular villains; ambitious, eloquent and ruthless, these players have built a criminal empire that spans the entire globe. A network that has extorted and laundered billions of dollars, with tentacles in every major criminal enterprise. People say they are invincible.

Till now.

Fed up with their stream of illegal activities, Globapol and the Financial and Economic Crimes Authority have teamed up to hunt them down wherever they are in the world and to bring them to book.
Connecting dots from Qatar, Kuala Lumpur, Abuja, London to Amsterdam: the greatest manhunt in history starts here!

Ramona and Her Mother


Ramona Quimby is no longer seven, but not quite eight. She’s “seven and a half right now,” if you ask her. Not allowed to stay home alone, yet old enough to watch pesky Willa Jean, Ramona wonders when her mother will treat her like her older, more mature sister, Beezus.

But with her parents’ unsettling quarrels and some spelling trouble at school, Ramona wonders if growing up is all it’s cracked up to be. No matter what, she’ll always be her mother’s little girl…right?

Readers ages 6-12 will laugh along along with and relate to Ramona’s timeless adventures.

Ramona the Pest


Ramona Quimby is excited to start kindergarten. No longer does she have to watch her older sister, Beezus, ride the bus to school with all the big kids. She’s finally old enough to do it too!

Then she gets into trouble for pulling her classmate’s boingy curls during recess. Even worse, her crush rejects her in front of everyone. Beezus says Ramona needs to quit being a pest, but how can she stop if she never was trying to be one in the first place?

Readers ages 6-12 will laugh and relate to Ramona’s timeless adventures.

Ramona’s World


Ramona Quimby can’t wait to start fourth grade. With a new baby sister to brag about, new calluses to show off, and a new best friend to get to know, everything’s going to be great!

Or is it? When Ramona’s spelling is atrocious, her teacher, Mrs. Meacham, is firm about her needing to improve. Then a scary incident at a friend’s house leaves Ramona feeling at fault. Who knew growing up could be filled with such complicated situations?

In the Ramona books, Beverly Cleary expertly depicts the trials and triumphs of growing up through a relatable heroine who isn’t afraid to be exactly who she is. These books continue to make young readers laugh in recognition and pleasure. They’re perfect for independent and shared reading, at home or in the classroom.

Rising Troublemaker


In this young readers edition of her New York Times bestseller Professional Troublemaker, Luvvie Ajayi Jones uses her honesty and humor to inspire teens to be their bravest, boldest, truest selves, in order to create a world they would be proud to live in.

The world can feel like a dumpster fire, with endless things to be afraid of. It can make you feel powerless to ask for what you need, use your voice, and show up truly as your whole self. Add the fact that often, people might make you feel like your way of showing up is TOO MUCH.

BE TOO MUCH, and use it for good. That is what it means to be a troublemaker. In this book, Luvvie Ajayi Jones–bestseller of books, sorceress of side-eyes and critic of culture–gives you the permission you might need to be the troublemaker you are, or wish to be. This is the book she needed when she was the kid who got in trouble for her mouth when she spoke up about what she felt was not fair. This is the book she needed when kids made fun of her Nigerian accent. This is the book that she needed when it was time to call herself a writer, but she was too scared.

As a Rising Troublemaker, you need to know that the beautiful, audacious life you want is on the other side of doing the things that will scare you. This book will help you face and fight your fear and start living that life ASAP.

School For Good And Evil Box Set


Journey into a dazzling new world when best friends Sophie and Agatha enter the School for Good and Evil, where ordinary boys and girls are trained to be fairy-tale heroes and villains. Sophie, with her glass slippers and pink dresses, thinks she’ll earn top marks at the School for Good. Meanwhile, Agatha, with her shapeless black frocks and wicked black cat, seems a natural fit for the School for Evil.

But when the two girls are swept into the Endless Woods, they find their fortunes are reversed…. The aftermath leads to unexpected paths, new alliances, and boys, dividing them in an exhilarating quest to find their true Ever After.

Secret Seven On The Trail


Jack’s annoying sister, Susie, forms her own Secret Society – The Famous Five. They have a meeting in the summer house, and make up a tale about a gang meeting at Tigger’s Barn, for the benefit of Jack, who is hiding and listening by the laurel bush. Peter doesn’t believe Jack’s tale, and so to prove him wrong, Jack and George go along to Tigger’s barn, thinking they are following Susie and her friend. But it is soon clear to both boys that they are in the middle of an adventure, when two men creep into the tumble-down house and signal to Zeb to join them knowing the coast is clear! But then they discover George and think he has a message for them from Cheeky Charlie!

Shoe Dog (Young Readers Edition)


You must forget your limits.

It was only when Nike founder Phil Knight got cut from the baseball team as a high school freshman that his mother suggested he try out for track instead. Knight made the track team and found that not only could he run fast but also, more importantly, he liked it.

Ten years later, young and searching, Knight borrowed fifty dollars from his father and launched a company with one simple mission: import high quality running shoes from Japan. Selling the shoes from the trunk of his car to start, he and his gang of friends and runners built one of the most successful brands ever.

Phil Knight encountered risks and setbacks along the way, but always followed his own advice. Just keep going. Don’t stop. Whatever comes up, don’t stop. Filled with wisdom, humanity, humor, and heart, the young readers edition of the bestselling Shoe Dog is a story of determination that inspires all who read it.

The Young Readers Edition is an abridged version of the internationally bestselling adult book and it features original front matter and back matter, including a new introduction and “A Letter to the Young Reader” containing advice from Phil Knight for budding entrepreneurs.



By day, seventeen-year-old Kiera Johnson is an honors student, a math tutor, and one of the only Black kids at Jefferson Academy. But at home, she joins hundreds of thousands of Black gamers who duel worldwide as Nubian personas in the secret multiplayer online role-playing card game, SLAY. No one knows Kiera is the game developer, not her friends, her family, not even her boyfriend, Malcolm, who believes video games are partially responsible for the “downfall of the Black man.”

But when a teen in Kansas City is murdered over a dispute in the SLAY world, news of the game reaches mainstream media, and SLAY is labeled a racist, exclusionist, violent hub for thugs and criminals. Even worse, an anonymous troll infiltrates the game, threatening to sue Kiera for “anti-white discrimination.”

Driven to save the only world in which she can be herself, Kiera must preserve her secret identity and harness what it means to be unapologetically Black in a world intimidated by Blackness. But can she protect her game without losing herself in the process?

So Sweet


In the first book of the Cupcake Diaries, Katie and the Cupcake Cure, Katie Brown is miserable when her best friend is invited to join the Popular Girls Club and Katie is left out. Is there an Unpopular Girls Club she can join? Fortunately, Katie finds her way with a great new group of friends—Mia, Emma, and Alexis—and together they form the Cupcake Club. Sometimes starting from scratch turns out to be the icing on the cupcake!

In Sunday Sundaes from Sprinkle Sundays, Allie, Sierra, and Tamiko have been best friends since kindergarten. Now, Allie’s parents are divorced, and Allie has moved one town away. She can still see her friends, but she no longer goes to the same middle school. But when Allie’s mom decides to fulfill her lifelong dream and open up an ice cream shop, Allie has an idea. Maybe she and her friends can work in the shop every Sunday! The girls soon discover that working in an ice cream shop is more than just scooping cones and adding toppings.

Lindsay Cooper is about to start middle school in Hole in the Middle from Donut Dreams. In her free time, she works at her family’s restaurant, The Park View, handing out the world’s most delicious donuts at the Donut Dreams counter. Her grandmother started the counter as a way to send Lindsay’s dad to college, and Lindsay wants to use her job the same way—to make her dream of going to school far away from her small town a reality. Home feels different ever since Lindsay’s mom passed away two years ago. But with her cousins Kelsey and Molly by her side, not to mention her BFF Casey, Lindsay soon discovers family and friends go a long way towards filling any hole in your heart. And life can still be as fun as a pink donut with rainbow sprinkles!

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