Self Help

Money And Love


Should I move in with this person? Should I quit my job? When is the “right time” to have another child? All these life-altering questions at the juncture of money and love can be overwhelming. Often, we answer them either by staying overly rational or by only listening to our – at times fickle – hearts. Hardly ever, when faced with daunting questions, do we have the keys to combine both head and heart in a balanced and fulfilling way.

Labor economist and Stanford Professor Emerita Myra Strober and social innovation leader Abby Davisson know that in our daily lives money and love are interdependent. Whereas most decision-making guides focus only on one or the other, Money and Love shows us and our loved ones how to consider them jointly using the original, step-by-step 5Cs method:

– CLARIFY: Consider what you want vs. don’t through self-reflection.
– COMMUNICATE: Include input from those who will be impacted by your decisions in your decision-making process.
– CHOICES: Broaden your perspectives to open up your options.
– CHECK IN: Ask around for advice, guidance, and resources.
– CONSEQUENCES: Consider the effects of your decisions and how that may impact all aspects of your life.

At a time when we are experiencing the most significant shift in work-life balance in decades – marked by remote work, the Great Reshuffle, and a mass reconfiguring of family dynamics and social/professional networks – Strober and Davisson’s framework offers simple and effective steps to empower readers to make the best strategic decisions without having to sacrifice their careers or personal lives.

Raising Critical Thinkers


A guide for parents to help children of all ages process the onslaught of unfiltered information in the digital age.

Education is not solely about acquiring information and skills across subject areas, but also about understanding how and why we believe what we do. At a time when online media has created a virtual firehose of information and opinions, parents and teachers worry how students will interpret what they read and see. Amid the noise, it has become increasingly important to examine different perspectives with both curiosity and discernment. But how do parents teach these skills to their children?

Drawing on more than twenty years’ experience homeschooling and developing curricula, Julie Bogart offers practical tools to help children at every stage of development to grow in their ability to explore the world around them, examine how their loyalties and biases affect their beliefs, and generate fresh insight rather than simply recycling what they’ve been taught. Full of accessible stories and activities for children of all ages, Raising Critical Thinkers helps parents to nurture passionate learners with thoughtful minds and empathetic hearts.

Personality Isn’t Permanent


In Personality Isn’t Permanent, Dr. Benjamin Hardy draws on psychological research to demolish the popular misconception that personality—a person’s consistent attitudes and behaviors—is innate and unchanging. Hardy liberates us from the limiting belief that our “true selves” are to be discovered, and shows how we can intentionally create our desired selves and achieve amazing goals instead. He offers practical, science-based advice to for personal-reinvention

Feeding The Soul


You are seen, you are loved, and you are heard!

Before Tabitha Brown was one of the most popular personalities in the world, sharing her delicious vegan home cooking and compassionate wisdom with millions of followers across social media, she was an aspiring actress who in 2016 began struggling with undiagnosed chronic autoimmune pain. Her condition made her believe she wouldn’t live to see forty–until she started listening to what her soul and her body truly needed. Now, in this life-changing book, Tabitha shares the wisdom she gained from her own journey, showing readers how to make a life for themselves that is rooted in nonjudgmental kindness and love, both for themselves and for others.

Tabitha grounds her lessons in stories about her own life, career, faith, and family in this funny, down-to-earth book, built around the catchphrases that her fans know and love

Soul Shift


How often do you feel joy―a truly pure, unadulterated experience of ease, bliss, and happiness? In childhood, our joy arises in the moment, spontaneous and free. But as we become adults, we’re faced with the pressure of increased responsibilities, endless demands, and a barrage of breaking news. And along the way, we forget how to be present in our own lives.

In Soul Shift, Rachel Macy Stafford offers us a practical, inclusive guide to navigating a culture of distraction and depletion to find our way back to what delights our heart, makes us feel alive, and brings us peace. She illuminates how to embody the practice of presence, where we return home to our authentic selves and the joy found only in the here and now.

Like a wise, empathetic friend, Stafford accompanies you on a wondrous exploration of self-discovery. She walks you through a symbolic botanical garden made up of eight areas designed to help you practice: presence, worthiness, letting go of perfection, self-kindness, authenticity, forgiveness, looking after yourself, and cultivating your gifts.

Soul Shift helps you rediscover the joy inside you at a pace that is natural, with an approach that is gentle and practical exercises that are easy to follow.

The Hard Questions: 100 Essential Questions to Ask Before You Say “I Do”


With this simple-yet-profound relationship tool, Susan Piver shows couples at any stage of their relationships–whether they are considering engagement, have been married for decades, or just want to deepen their connection–how they can forge and strengthen lasting, intimate bonds. Focusing on key areas such as home, money, work, community, and family, The Hard Questions contains 100 thought-provoking questions for couples to ask each other,

• What will our home look like?
• What are our professional goals?
• How do you feel about sharing our life on social media?
• Will we try to have children, and if so, when?

The Hard Questions provides couples with guidance and support for having the kind of conversations that will lead them to a deeper understanding of each other and a happy, healthy, and prosperous future together.

Be Where Your Feet Are


When we’re moving at 115 MPH, we rarely see the wall coming. But it comes for all of us and when it does, we grasp for lessons, for meaning, for purpose. Each moment (good or bad) and each win or loss, provides us an opportunity to learn, and if we choose to take it, that opportunity can change our lives–and the world–for the better. The human spirit craves connection. Authenticity. Belonging. Touch. Gratitude. Purpose. We need to make our interactions count. Whether it’s the death of a friend, loss of a job, a bad break-up or the isolation of COVID-19, those who manage to be where their feet are will grow, stretch and emerge stronger, smarter, and more prepared as we find peace and gratitude in the pause.

In Be Where Your Feet Are, Scott O’Neil, CEO of the Philadelphia 76ers and New Jersey Devils, offers his own story of grief and healing, and shares his most valuable lessons in what keeps him present, grounded and thriving as a father, husband, coach, mentor, and leader. Scott avails his network to share poignant life lessons from an array of people including professional athletes and sports executives, a world-famous movie director, Saudi royalty; and his teenage daughters, among many others.

Be Where Your Feet Are provides a humbling and vulnerable peek behind the curtain as well as a framework, anecdotes, and exercises to guide the reader towards self-discovery. A gifted storyteller with an uncanny ability and willingness to bare raw emotion, Scott weaves in and out of stories that have left deep imprints on him and are written to lift and inspire.

Scattered Minds


From renowned mental health expert and speaker Dr. Gabor Maté, Scattered Minds explodes the myth of attention deficit disorder (ADD/ADHD) as genetically based—and offers real hope and advice for children and adults who live with the condition.

In this breakthrough guide to understanding, treating, and healing Attention Deficit Disorder, Dr. Gabor Maté, bestselling author of The Myth of Normal, and himself diagnosed with ADD:

– Demonstrates that the condition is not a genetic “illness” but a response to environmental stress
– Explains that in ADD, circuits in the brain whose job is emotional self-regulation and attention control fail to develop in infancy – and why
– Shows how ‘distractibility’ is the psychological product of life experience
– Allows parents to understand what makes their ADD children tick, and adults with ADD to gain insights into their emotions and behaviors
– Expresses optimism about neurological development even in adulthood
– Presents a program of how to promote this development in both children and adults

How To Deal With Angry People


Whether the confrontations are taking place at home, at work or online, the emotional toll of dealing with an angry person day-in day-out can be huge. As we often can’t cut ourselves off from these angry people (although terminating the relationship is an option that’s explored), this book draws on the author’s years of research and clinical practice to help readers manage potentially explosive situations for the best possible outcomes. The book:

-Reveals the psychological factors that underpin an angry personality (eg genetics, gender, other personality traits).
-Offers ten key strategies for dealing effectively with angry people, from figure out what you want from this person and know when to disengage to avoid character assaults and find ways to reach those who refuse to communicate.
-Provides case studies, fact boxes, tips and activities to support readers as they deal with the angry people in their lives.



In this deeply personal book, Arianna talks candidly about her own challenges with managing time and prioritizing the demands of a career and raising two daughters–of juggling business deadlines and family crises, a harried dance that led to her collapse and to her “aha moment.” Drawing on the latest groundbreaking research and scientific findings in the fields of psychology, sports, sleep, and physiology that show the profound and transformative effects of meditation, mindfulness, unplugging, and giving, Arianna shows us the way to a revolution in our culture, our thinking, our workplace, and our lives.

How To Break Up With Your Friends


Friends hold an especially valuable role for women―few relationships have such power to fuel us and inspire our joy. Yet even though we pride ourselves on our large networks, we tend to be afraid of rocking the boat and asking for what we really need. As a result, we end up accepting mediocrity in ourselves and our friendships far too often.

But does it really have to be this way?

In How to Break Up with Your Friends, celebrated life mentor Erin Falconer provides a refreshing guide to modern-day friendships―along with deeper principles, assessments, and practices for nurturing them.



Have you ever felt like:

Things are so much harder than they need to be?
You knew something was important, yet struggled to get it done?
You’re running faster but not moving closer to your goals?
You’re teetering right on the edge of burnout?

We’ve been conditioned to believe that if we want to overachieve, we have to overexert, overthink, and overdo. That if we aren’t perpetually exhausted, we’re not doing enough. The problem is, the more depleted we get, the harder it is to make progress.

There is a better way: instead of pushing yourself harder, you can choose an easier path.

Effortless offers simple strategies for making the most essential activities the easiest ones, so you can achieve the results you want, without burning out. You’ll learn how to:

1.Get into the Effortless State: Clear the mental clutter that makes it hard to focus

2.Take Effortless Action: Simplify your processes to make the important work easier to do

3.Achieve Effortless Results: Choose activities that deliver the most results from the least effort

Not every hard thing in life can be made easy. But we can make it easier to do more of what matters most.

Dopamine Nation


This book is about pleasure. It’s also about pain. Most important, it’s about how to find the delicate balance between the two, and why now more than ever finding balance is essential. We’re living in a time of unprecedented access to high-reward, high-dopamine stimuli: drugs, food, news, gambling, shopping, gaming, texting, sexting, Facebooking, Instagramming, YouTubing, tweeting . . . The increased numbers, variety, and potency is staggering. The smartphone is the modern-day hypodermic needle, delivering digital dopamine 24/7 for a wired generation. As such, we’ve all become vulnerable to compulsive overconsumption.

In Dopamine Nation, Dr. Anna Lembke, psychiatrist and author, explores the exciting new scientific discoveries that explain why the relentless pursuit of pleasure leads to pain . . . and what to do about it. Condensing complex neuroscience into easy-to-understand metaphors, Lembke illustrates how finding contentment and connectedness means keeping dopamine in check. The lived experiences of her patients are the gripping fabric of her narrative. Their riveting stories of suffering and redemption give us all hope for managing our consumption and transforming our lives. In essence, Dopamine Nation shows that the secret to finding balance is combining the science of desire with the wisdom of recovery.

The Attributes


During his twenty years as a Navy officer and SEAL, Rich Diviney was intimately involved in a specialized SEAL selection process, which whittled a group of hundreds of extraordinary candidates down to a handful of the most elite performers. Diviney was often surprised by which candidates washed out and which succeeded. Some could have all the right skills and still fail, while others he might have initially dismissed would prove to be top performers. The seemingly objective criteria weren’t telling him what he most needed to know: Who would succeed in one of the world’s toughest military assignments?

It is similarly hard to predict success in the real world.

It happens often enough that underdog students accomplish exceptional achievements while highly skilled, motivated employees fail to meet expectations. Dark-horse companies pull away from the pack while dream teams flush with talent and capital go under. In working with and selecting top special operators for decades, Diviney saw that beneath obvious skills are hidden drivers of performance, surprising core attributes—including cunning, adaptability, courage, even narcissism—that determine how resilient or perseverant we are, how situationally aware and how conscientious. These attributes explain how we perform as individuals and as part of a team. The same methodology that Diviney used in the military can be applied by anyone in their personal and professional lives, and understanding these attributes can allow readers and their teams to perform optimally, at any time, in any situation.

Diviney defines the core attributes in fresh and practical ways and shares stories from the military, business, sports, relationships, and even parenting to show how understanding your own attributes and those of the people around you can create optimal performance in all areas of your life.

Goodbye Anxiety Journal


In today’s world, who isn’t feeling stressed? From the everyday—work, school, relationships, social media—to the unprecedented, you may often feel anxious and overwhelmed. That’s why psychologist Terri Bacow, Ph.D., developed this workbook to help you find relief with accessible and helpful writing exercises designed to diminish worries, insecurities, fears, conflicts, and stressors for your unique issues.

Learn practical, yet highly effective, coping skills developed from cognitive-behavioral therapy, dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT), and other scientifically-based therapy approaches to use whenever you’re feeling anxious.


– 100+ journaling prompts that offer space to write down your worries and release your anxious feelings

– 40+ CBT- and DBT-based strategies to help you challenge worry thoughts and conquer anxiety-inducing thinking patterns

– 50+ practical tools, including coping strategies and supportive statements that you can use whenever you feel anxiety starting to take hold

Say goodbye to anxiety, let go of worries, and take back your life!

Grow Rich With The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind


From the renowned bestselling author of The Power of Your Subconscious Mind, an authorized collection of writings that unlock the secret to extraordinary success that lies within each of us

Millions of readers have embraced Joseph Murphy’s writings, including the phenomenal bestseller The Power of Your Subconscious Mind, a beloved classic that sits alongside the works of Napoleon Hill, Dale Carnegie, and Norman Vincent Peale. This new collection, authorized by the Joseph Murphy Trust, focuses on prosperity – and the simple yet powerful ways we can focus our attention and beliefs to achieve life goals, obtain riches, and live the life of our dreams.

Whether you are a longtime reader of Murphy’s insights or are discovering his work for the first time, this powerful and deceptively simple volume will illuminate the path to success. Comprised of original writings including some that have never been published in book form, along with modern-day updates, examples, and insights for the contemporary reader, the book goes beyond what we’ve already heard about the Law of Attraction and the power of positive thinking to reveal the ability that each of us has to manifest remarkable change in our lives.

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